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Wholesaling on eBay
There are lots of people looking to sell products on eBay. Some have large budgets, others have small budgets, many are somewhere in between. We try to offer lots to customers with a wide range of budgets but some of our lots are not attainable to those on very small budgets. This creates a good market for mid range wholesalers. Basically these wholesalers can but large to mid size lots from up and split them into small package lots for eBay resellers, store owners, and flea market vendors. There is room for creativity here. Some Examples.

You buy a 500 piece children's clothing lot from us. You divide it into ten 50 piece or twenty 25 piece lots and wholesale them on eBay.
You buy a 300 piece plus size women's lot from us. You divide it into ten 30 piece lots and sell them on eBay.
You buy a 500 piece designer women's clothing lot from us. You divide it by items like tops, dresses, jeans, shorts, and the like and wholesale lots based on that. You could also divide and wholesale by brand as well.
You buy 2 domestics pallets and 2 housewares pallets. You piece together "Home Lots" based on pricing and piece counts from both pallets. You can make these as small or large as the pallets allow. The smaller the lots, the more attainable they are for more people.

There are many different possibilities. The key is buying moderate size lots and breaking them down by piece, style, brand, or some other criteria to a level that makes them attainable for those wanting to get into the eBay or retail business attainable. This is a substantial market. Consider some form of wholesaling. It might be the key to the good profits you are looking for.
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