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Rite Aid HBA ( health and beauty ) Truckloads
  Rite Aid Truckloads come in 30 pallet truckloads direct from the distribution centers in NC, and PA. There are different pallet categories from Rite Aid like Food Pallets, Cleaning Supply Pallets, General Merchandise Pallets, etc. The pallets called RN Pallets have the HBA's and is most popular. The RN pallets typically include:
  • Cosmetics, Over the Counter Medication (OTC), Skin Care, Allergy Relief, Oral Care, Reproductive Health, Vitamins and Supplements, First Aid, , Hair Care, Soaps and Cleansers, Perfumes, Diet Aids, Smoking Cessation, and more.
There are 2 Rite Aid load classes. National Brand and Private Label.
  National Brand Loads contain majority items that are recognized national brands like Tylenol, Prilosec, Pantine, etc.
  Private Label Loads contain majority items that are Rite Aid brands like Rite Aid brand acetaminophen, Rite Aid brand omeprazole, or Rite Aid brand shampoo.
We no longer deal in CVS truckloads and pallets. Too many food and snack items to justify the cost of the truckloads.
Right Aid HBA truckloads contain a majority of items in the HBA category. Not much in the way of food and juice, mostly HBA.
We sell these by the 30 pallet truckload only. No individual pallet sales.

Call for availability and pricing. 

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